Richfeel Aroma Oil for Hair Loss 100 ml
30% off
Rs. 308.00
Rs. 440.00

EUCALYPTUS: Eucalyptus oil has a number of antifungal properties that help ward off dandruff and keep residue from building up and clogging pores on the head. It promotes growth and strength, as well as improves shine, thickness, and overall hair health.
- GRAPE SEED: Dandruff and other dermatological conditions caused by a dry, flaky scalp can be treated with Grape Seed, which is full of emollients and nutrients that help nurture the growth of healthy skin cells.
- ROSEMARY: Rosemary Oil works by stimulating scalp circulation and helps to grow longer hair, prevent baldness and stimulate new hair growth. Rosemary oil also slows the greying of hair, promotes shininess and prevents and reduces dandruff, making it a great tonic for overall hair health and beauty.
- CEDARWOOD: Cedarwood oil promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss by balancing the oil-producing glands in the scalp
- TRICHOLOGIST DEVELOPED FORMULA: Developed by Indiaâs Leading Trichologists, this is a proven, tested formula that has been included at Richfeelâs Clinic Regimens for over 20 years.